The Pact

The Pact

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Post 7

            Now that I have finished the novel The Pact by Jodi Picoult all my questions have been answered. At the beginning when i began the book some of my questions included did Chris kill Emily, did Emily kill herself and Chris actually tripped, what made Emily want to kill herself so badly, if Chris loves her as much as it acts like he does why does he let her kill herself? These questions all popped into my mind throughout different areas of the book and they were all eventually answered.
           At the beginning all you hear about is the death of Emily and how Chris is potentially the one to blame.... well Chris and Emily are in love so why would he kill her? But a autopsy of Emily's body reveals she was pregnant. Now once i read this the thought that Chris killed Emily because he couldn't live with the fact that she was pregnant popped into my head. But from textual evidence and from my knowledge of Chris as a character i knew this couldn't be true. Then i thought was it because she was pregnant that she killed herself? After i thought of this the book revealed that, that was her main reason. Emily couldn't live with that. When Emily was little Chris dared her to go into the boys bathroom in McDonalds and when she went in there was a guy in there and her molested her. Although the book briefly describes this i personally think it led to some of her trauma later down the road. Every time her and Chris were hooking up she would only ever really let him get to a certain point. And for me personally i related it back to her childhood experience. It never directly relates that in the book but i just assumed from certain context clues and other things. Once she finally let Chris get all the way she ended up pregnant which caused her so much pain and regret that she couldn't bear to live anymore. This is where her suicide plan forms. She tells Chris about the suicide but does not exactly tell him about the baby. Chris tries to talk her out of it but he soon realizes her mind wont change. He thinks about telling one of the parents but she begs him not to and he decides he can handle it on his own.
             Ultimately Emily ends up dead at the carousal and the police find her and blame Chris who is passed out next to her. They try to pin his reasoning on the baby but it is soon revealed that he had no knowledge that Emily was even pregnant. This book was extremely intense and kept me hooked the entire time. I often found myself wondering what would happen next!

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